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how do i step into who i am meant to be?

What do you need to do to learn who you are, love who you are, and live who you are while throwing off people’s expectations of you and embrace your uniqueness? That is the essence of the work I do. We hear phrases like, “Step Into Your Power” or “Own Your Worth”, but what do they really mean, and how do you do it?

To step into who you are meant to be is not to be forceful, manipulative, or aggressive. It’s to be in alignment, to trust that you are in the right place at the right time, claim your joy, deliver what you have to offer the world, and own your part in the life you create. This might all sound a bit woo-woo. I understand. But stay with me and you’ll not regret it.

You are Beyond Powerful

Each of us is powerful beyond measure but most people are not conscious of that because we limit ourselves with our thoughts. “I'm not good enough, or I can't, or it's too hard, or I'm not smart enough or funny enough” are some of the things we say to ourselves and that is what holds us back. Deep down, they know who they are and who they wanna be but they go through life as victims, reacting to everything that life throws at them.

Maybe your parents got a divorce, and it impacted you as a kid, or you didn't get picked for the dodgeball team as a kid, or you went through a hard divorce yourself, or a bankruptcy, among other things. But even though we cannot control what happens to us, we can control how we react to it, even when it appears you do not have a choice.

Those difficult life experiences become like piles of dust that cover up the potency of who you really are and give way to those negative thoughts about yourself. Through the transformational programs that I run for women worldwide, we help them dust off all those layers of bad life experiences that don't have to be true lies and help them build up their potency so they can understand that they are a miracle because they exist.

Stepping into Your Full Potential

If you are wondering why you need to take action towards stepping into your full potential, there is one simple reason: to become the best version of yourself that functions at the best of your ability. This takes commitment and work, but it’s very much achievable if you follow these few steps that worked for me:

Make Time for Yourself

Make time to really get to know yourself without the labels, the bad stories, and the

regrets, so you can slow down enough on a daily basis to connect to yourself, and to really get to know yourself on a deep and intimate level.

Get Curious

Make sure you're always curious about the thoughts that are floating in your mind and why they come about. Keep constantly asking yourself who you want to be and how you can work towards that so you can see what bubbles from inside of you. There’s so much wisdom inside of you that you don’t know about and you can only tap into it if you allow yourself to slow down enough to tap into it.


Learning to surrender is absolutely crucial. You have to let go of that need to be in control of what your life looks like and just become more unattached so you can be in flow. That will take you to a place of grace and ease that will enable you to see opportunities that you may not have seen or even thought of before. That’s how you’ll start to really step into your true potential and work towards achieving your purpose. So start being open to all the amazing possibilities and allow yourself to play with them. Let go of the need to be so serious all the time and get playful, get childlike and start to explore those possibilities.

You’ll even go back to who you always were (and maybe you dumbed it down) and start to step up and step in so you can become present to the beauty and miracle of you. One way that you can definitely achieve all that will be by attending The Believe Event which is happening soon, where I help you dream, create and plan on every level physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually so you can start creating the life that you love.

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