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WHat is perfect health mastery?

Perfect Health Mastery is a progressive and groundbreaking coaching program that supports women in transforming their lives through mindset mastery, emotional intelligence, and self-love. So if you are a woman that is ready to deepen your relationship with yourself, call in more joy and transform every area in your life... then you are in the right place!

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Let me get straight to the bottom line... Perfect Health Mastery delivers proven strategies, unparalleled community support plus expert mentorship to completely transform your life.

This is not a program that is going to give you a temporary band-aid to issues you have right now with your self-esteem, confidence, relationship to others, or your life purpose. As you know, those types of programs never work for long-term success.

Perfect Health Mastery delivers the exact support you need to uncover the root of what is causing any unhappiness or friction in your life, instead of just focusing on symptoms, which will continue to surface time and time again until you being to heal what is at the core of the issue.

When you understand the ROOT of your high stress, suffering health, or aching relationships, then you can shift the entire direction of your life and call in exactly what it is you truly desire - and be the woman you want to be in the world.

By doing so, you will save yourself a ton of time, money, energy, and heartache. The most amazing part about all of this is that Perfect Health Mastery puts you on the fast track to seeing results;  you will see a significant difference in your life in a short amount of time if you apply the work.

what will I learn in
perfect health mastery?

In Perfect Health Mastery, you will...

  • Discover how to master your mindset so you can 10x the results you want in your life.

  • Learn to stop sabotaging your efforts to have the happiness and wellbeing you truly want.

  • Gather specific stress reducing techniques that will help you to heal past traumas or life experiences so that you can live peacefully.

  • Gain an understanding of how to balance your moods, so you are able to finally function in your day to day living in a way that allows you to stay present and joyful.

  • Stop using vices (food, alcohol, shopping, social media, etc). to numb out, check out or escape and learn to be present in your life and with the people around you.

  • Master special techniques to connect with yourself on a deeper level, inviting peace into your everyday way of being. 

  • Be taught a holistic approach to living that feels simple and manageable, and that will actually improve the quality of your life for years to come.

  • Learn to appreciate your body and how to love yourself no matter what

  • Grow young with age as you naturally take years off of your life by getting into the best health you have ever been in. 

  • Make these new ways of being your NATURAL way of being by putting rituals into place that support your new approach to life. 

  • Be given exact, proven strategies to help you stay healthy physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, even with a very busy schedule. 

  • Get ongoing support from a community of supportive women that are going through life transformation, resulting in a tight bond and deep friendships that last lifetimes. 

  • Receive empowering mentorship from an internationally recognized expert in the field of holistic health, transformation and personal development... and access to her and her team for supporting you through your breakdowns and breakthroughs.

what if this turns our to be just like every other program?

This is not the case here. The reason I even created Perfect Health Mastery is because it WORKED for me to completely transform my life, and it has worked for hundreds of other women I have supported.
There is nothing about this program that is temporary. I am not teaching you a quick fix… this is a lifetime curriculum that you can come back to time and time again, helping you to navigate through life's challenges for years to come.
My goal is to give you the most effective information and expert guidance to support you in maintaining a state of optimal health on all levels, (physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually), FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE.
Sustainable transformation is crucial, because no matter how good things get, we will always find ourselves facing adversity in our lives, which is when a lot of women quit on their goals.
In this program you will learn how to understand yourself on an intimate level, so that you can continue to apply what you learn no matter the situation so that you can always course correct to get yourself back on track.
I am not holding anything back from you in Perfect Health Mastery. I am going to give you all of my secret, personal development formulas and strategies, so you will have everything you need to create and maintain a state of optimal wellness forever.
I took all the guesswork out of it for you, so you can easily claim back your FREEDOM in your body, mind, and spirit.
You will never again have to spend your resources on programs that don’t work, or be confused why you cant get “control” of your feelings, or be overwhelmed with questions on what should be your next step.
Perfect Health Mastery provides you with the answers to make you feel confident in regards to who you are as a woman you respect in the world, and what you want your life to look like.

what am i going to get?

Perfect Health Mastery is a compilation of over twenty years of my own studies, personal experimentation, and inner work that I have done all over the world with thousands of women, all organized in a way to get you maximum results that last.
I am going to give you precise and proven tools to reconnect with your inner self, to feel amazing in your own skin, be confident in who you are, and love yourself no matter what.
The Perfect Health Mastery curriculum is carefully designed, with each new teaching building upon the last so that you learn new skills and strategies that are reinforced at every level of the program.

the monthly breakdown...

  • 3 Breakthrough Training Calls every month, focusing on mindset and emotional mastery, and mastering life building skills that lead you to the life you want. None of us are meant to do life alone. We are meant to do life in community, rising up quicker together. Each call is recorded for you, so you have lifetime access.

  • Up to 12 Private 1:1 Performance Coaching Calls with Your Private Coach to set personal goals and track your specific progress and results. This deep dive work is powerful for insights, accountability and celebrations,

  • 2 LIVE Two-Day Retreats With Kerry. Our clients will tell you to "Move mountains to get to your retreats! They are life changing!" Accelerate your motivation, enthusiasm and results as you come together and take your progress to the next level. It is exponential growth in a short period of time.

  • Daily access to the Perfect Health Mastery Coaching Team & Tribe in a private online forum. Get your questions answered, share support and learn from others on a daily basis, as much as you need. You are never alone again on this journey.  You will make lifelong friends as you share this rare opportunity of changing your life.

  • Lifetime Access To A Digital Library of Worksheets that map out all the breakthrough exercises and strategies that you will learn within the program. This access allows you to revisit and refresh as much as you need, even beyond your graduation.

  • Access to Additional Coaching for Mindset Mastery, Emotional Mastery, Relationship to Self, Vibrant Health, Better Relationships, Creating Abundance and more. We leave no rock unturned during this program. If additional support is needed beyond the normal curriculum, we deliver!

In short, Perfect Health Mastery gives you critical mentorship and guidance you need to create the life and health you love - while enjoying the journey! It's designed to build a lasting, solid foundation under your feet, setting you up to be the happiest and healthiest version of you possible, so you can have your
Big Dream Life.

can I join the program now?

Our DOORS ARE CLOSING in just a few days so... yes, you can join now and it is a good idea because once the program is full, it's full.

i'm interested, when does it start & what's the cost?

The doors for Perfect Health Mastery are closing in just a few days so hurry and book your Breakthrough Call today!

Perfect Health Mastery is by invitation only so we only discuss the investment with women who are truly committed to rolling up their sleeves and doing the work, with the proper strategies, mentorship and community around them.
If you would like to find out if you are a fit for the program, please use the button below to schedule a call with one of our Perfect Health Mastery Advisors. If we feel you are a fit for the program, we are happy to discuss the investment options with you at that time.

it all sounds great, but is this program really for me?

Perfect Health Mastery is for women who are ready to feel good in their body, understand their value and worth and are ready to get into action to reach their goals and make their dreams come true. The program requires a 12-month commitment.

perfect health mastery

may be a good

fit for you if you...

  • Have a vision of what you want your life to look like, but aren't there yet.

  • Are ready to overcome all self-sabotage, resistance, emotional blocks and fears about who you are and what you are capable of.

  • Know it's time to develop spiritually and personally, and want the skills to not be taken sideways when life throws you a curveball.

  • Want to feel amazing in your body and empowered about your health.

  • Are ready to be a woman you respect in the world and have the life you dream of.

If any of these are resonating with you,
it's a great fit! It's time to jump on this rare opportunity and reserve your spot, so we can support you in having your best year ever and you don't miss out.

NOTE: If you are a woman that wants a magic pill solution, you are not willing to be accountable for yourself and you're not ready to fully submit to the future you envision, this program is not for you. We are accepting only women that are ready to create the life that they really love.

i don't know if this is the right time for me, will you be offeringg this program again?

If not now, then when?
Quite often when someone says it's not the right time, they're using it as an excuse not to take action because they feel more safe staying inside their comfort zone.
So I'd like you to ask yourself, 'what happens if I choose not to do Perfect Health Mastery? Where will I be one year from now?'
If you don't get the support you need now, chances are in 12 months, you will be in the exact same place you are now

i still have questions, can i talk to you about this before joining?

Yes, in fact we require women interested in joining Perfect Health Mastery to talk to one of our Perfect Health Mastery Advisors first. Our community is a safe place for women committed to transformation, and we take very seriously who we invite into the group.
So click the button below to chat with one of our Advisors now!


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Can You Really Transform Your Life FOREVER By Changing Your Relationship To Yourself, Mastering Your Mindset & Learning Emotional Mastery?


I Know It Seems Too Good To Be True, But Hear Me Out! The Reason I Know This Is Possible Is Because I Have Done It Myself. By Making A Few Tweaks To Your Current Routines, You Also Can Become Vibrantly Healthy, Have Less Stress & Be In The Driver’s Seat Of Your Life!

Hello my friend,

Please understand that I once stood where you are probably standing today and I know exactly what you are feeling on a very intimate level.

I wonder if you are at the point where you are so frustrated you can taste your disappointment when, once again, you have fallen off track with your goals? 

Has it been a constant struggle for you to feel good about yourself, always challenging your worth and value?

When you wake up in the morning is it a challenge to get out of bed, even though you didn’t go out the night before and you went to bed at a decent hour?

Needless to say your social life is less than par since you never have energy for anything fun after work, and quite honestly you don’t feel great about the way you look, so you might as well not go out anyways.

And let’s get real… you know your friends have schedules that are just as busy as yours, but for some reason your stress levels seem to be through the roof and consume you in a way that doesn’t even touch them.

I have been there before and please believe me when I say to you, there is a way out of it all.

Let me fill you in on how I know what you are feeling, all too well…

  • I indulged in emotional eating when I would get stressed or overwhelmed, not having the proper tools to deal with my emotions.

  • I would crave intimate relationships, but then I would push them away because I was afraid of being hurt.

  • I had dreams, but would cast them away because I would convince myself that dreams like that only happen for other women, not me.

  • I found it hard to concentrate on my work because my stress levels were so high that I would get overwhelmed and end up doing a bunch of tasks that didn’t matter, leaving me with a constantly growing urgent to-do list.

I am wondering if even one of these things struck a chord with you? If it did, then you are absolutely, one hundred percent in the right place and I am so glad you are here.

There is a way to break free from all of this… I did! The important thing for you to understand is that with the right tools and knowledge… YOU CAN TOO!

I Hit Rock Bottom & Thought There Was No Way Up…

Life felt hard, really hard. I felt as if I was at my rope’s end and really didn’t understand how things could ever get better.

Confused by beliefs I developed as a child, I had grown up with the impression that to be loved, a woman had to look like they do in the magazines. The only way I saw this could ever happen was to over-exercise and eat the least amount of calories possible. This deadly cycle kicked into full gear in college and haunted me off and on for years.

These misconstrued self-care techniques were triggered when times got stressful. They flared up after losing a job, having my business completely burn down in a fire, and every crash and burn relationship, which ended in heart-wrenching infidelity episodes that left me heartbroken and confused. 

I felt broken on so many levels.

With every bump in the road, I craved comfort, but it was the last thing I was finding. I always seemed to have stomach issues and my anxiety was through the roof. At times I felt so down I didn’t want to get out of bed.

What was going on here?

I tried everything to figure out what was wrong with me. Did I have ulcers from stress? Pick up parasites from traveling? Maybe I had intense food sensitivities? Why didn’t I ever feel good?

I tried it all… I went to eastern and western health practitioners, I drank teas, I got acupuncture, chiropractic work, I meditated, did my yoga, tried over the counter remedies… nothing felt as if it was really getting to the root of the problem.

So I did some research on my own and that’s when I hit the jackpot. I was finally getting the answers that I had been searching for.

And it came down to loving myself completely, shifting my mindset, and learning a level of emotional mastery I had never had before. BOOM! I hit gold!

I Have Studied It All & This Makes So Much Sense...​​

Believe me, when I put information out into the world, I do not take it lightly. I need to really believe in it to put my name on it. I have studied all over the world with many different professionals and what I am about to share with you… well it says it all.

You are in complete control of what your life looks like, and you get to step into saying YES! to something bigger and better for yourself or it will never happen.

It is always a choice.

I know, seems so simple, right? But do you fully understand what I am saying?
When I really dove deep into the holistic and science based information out there, in regards to bringing oneself into balance, and I started to apply it to my own life, drastic results began to occur.

I learned how to properly care for myself physically, mentally,  emotionally and spiritually.

I started to wake up BEFORE my alarm went off in the morning, feeling refreshed and rejuvenated from a full night’s sleep.

Best of all… I began to love and cherish myself, put up healthy boundaries, chose relationships that were supportive, magnetize abundance and success to me, build up my self-confidence, create community and friendships that I could rely on, and change the ENTIRE direction of my life.

So I am sure you can understand why I am so passionate about this information and why I must share it with you.

Perfect Health Mastery is the accumulation of all the information that I discovered actually worked…. and believe me I tried a lot of things and many didn’t work. I took the best information, to help you accelerate your process to achieve what you really want with your health, happiness and life.

It is the exact blueprint of what I wish someone had handed to me when I was desperate for help. It would have saved me so much time, money, and heartache to be given the tools and strategies that were already proven and I didn’t have to try to reinvent the wheel… or sift through mountains of information to find what was even legit.

My goal is to help you get the relationship with yourself that you really want. You deserve it.


Kerry Tepedino

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